Mapping the Mine pt 4

The bottom level of the map is meant to be a winding cavern, into which the hapless colonists drilled. They drilled too deep, monsters ate them - you know the drill. For this map, I decided to use Cellular Automata - also from Hands-on Rust (and the Roguelike tutorial).

Filling in the Edges

The entrance builder module includes a handy edge_filler function for preventing gaps at the edge of the map. This function is generally useful - and solves a problem with the Drunkard's Walk maps we made in the previous section. Sometimes, the edge of the map is open - and it's confusing that you can't walk off of it. So let's promote edge_filler to be a generally available function.

In src/map/layerbuilder/, delete the entire edge_filler function (or cut it into your clipboard). Then open src/map/layerbuilder/ and paste the function into there:

fn main() {
fn edge_filler(map: &mut Layer) {
    for y in 0..HEIGHT {
        let idx = map.point2d_to_index(Point::new(0, y));
        if map.tiles[idx].tile_type == TileType::Floor {
            map.tiles[idx] = Tile::wall();
        let idx = map.point2d_to_index(Point::new(WIDTH - 1, y));
        if map.tiles[idx].tile_type == TileType::Floor {
            map.tiles[idx] = Tile::wall();
    for x in 0..WIDTH {
        let idx = map.point2d_to_index(Point::new(x, 0));
        if map.tiles[idx].tile_type == TileType::Floor {
            map.tiles[idx] = Tile::wall();
        let idx = map.point2d_to_index(Point::new(x, HEIGHT - 1));
        if map.tiles[idx].tile_type == TileType::Floor {
            map.tiles[idx] = Tile::wall();

Going back to, add a use super::edge_filler to the imports. You also need to add use bracket_lib::prelude::{Point, Algorithm2D}; and use super::{HEIGHT, WIDTH, tile::TileType};.

We can now use edge_filler on all of our generators.

Adding Edge Filling to the Mine Middle

Open src/map/layerbuilder/ and add a use super::edge_filler; line to the import declarations. Then find the end of the build_mine_middle function and right before you return layer add a call to the new function:

fn main() {
        drunkard(&mut layer);

    edge_filler(&mut layer); // <-- This is new


The drunkard's walk map now won't have gaps at the edges. We'll use this function again when building the caverns.


The first thing to do is to open src/map/ and add a build_caverns call to the layer builder's match statement. Just like before, this will be a placeholder for a minute - but we'll dive straight into making it. So open the file, and adjust the match statement as follows:

fn main() {
impl Layer {
    pub fn new(depth: usize, ecs: &mut World) -> Self {
        let layer = match depth {
            0 => build_entrance(ecs),
            1 => build_mine_top(ecs),
            2 => build_mine_middle(ecs),
            3 => build_caverns(ecs),

You may also want to open and force the starting layer to 3 while you develop the level. That way, you'll start on the new level - and won't have to navigate much to see the fruits of your labor. Change src/map/

fn main() {
impl Map {
    pub fn new(ecs: &mut World) -> Self {
        let mut layers = Vec::with_capacity(NUM_LAYERS);
        for i in 0..NUM_LAYERS {
            layers.push(Layer::new(i, ecs));
        Self {
            current_layer: 3, // REMEMBER TO CHANGE ME BACK

Now that we have the placeholder built, let's construct the caverns.

Building the caverns

We'll be making a new file inside the layerbuilder module, so we need to remember to tell the module to include the file in the project. Open src/map/layerbuilder/ and add:

fn main() {
mod caverns;
pub use caverns::build_caverns;

Create a new file, src/map/layerbuilder/ Add a header, containing what we will need for the module:

fn main() {
use super::{all_wall, edge_filler, colonists::spawn_first_colonist, spawn_face_eater, spawn_random_colonist};
use crate::{
    components::{Description, Door, Glyph, Position, TileTrigger},
    map::{tile::TileType, Layer, Tile, HEIGHT, WIDTH},
use bracket_lib::prelude::*;
use legion::*;

Cellular Automata

I adapted the Cellular Automata algorithm from Hands-on Rust to suit my needs. The first step for CA is to start with a completely random map. Add the following function:

fn main() {
fn random_noise_map(map: &mut Layer) {
    let mut rng_lock = crate::RNG.lock();
    let rng = rng_lock.as_mut().unwrap();

    map.tiles.iter_mut().for_each(|t| {
        let roll = rng.range(0, 100);
        if roll > 55 {
            *t = Tile::floor();
        } else {
            *t = Tile::wall();

This creates a random soup of walls and floors, with a slight bias towards floors. It's a good starting point for CA iterations. Each iteration needs a way to count neighbors, so add the following function:

fn main() {
fn count_neighbours(map: &Layer, x:i32, y:i32) -> usize {
    let mut neighbors = 0;
    for iy in -1 ..= 1 {
        for ix in -1 ..= 1 {
            let idx = map.point2d_to_index(Point::new(x+ix, y+iy));
            if !(ix==0 && iy == 0) && map.tiles[idx].tile_type == TileType::Wall
                neighbors += 1;

Finally, the iterations themselves. Each cell counts the number of neighboring walls, and adjusts the cell based on that count - just like in Hands-on Rust and the Roguelike Tutorial. Add the following function:

fn main() {
fn iteration(map: &mut Layer) {
    let mut new_tiles = map.tiles.clone();
    for y in 1 .. HEIGHT-1 {
        for x in 1 .. WIDTH-1 {
            let neighbors = count_neighbours(map, x as i32, y as i32);
            let idx = map.point2d_to_index(Point::new(x, y));
            if neighbors > 4 || neighbors == 0 {
                    new_tiles[idx] = Tile::wall();
                } else {
                    new_tiles[idx] = Tile::floor();
    map.tiles = new_tiles;

Now that we've implemented the basics of a cellular automata generator, we can create the build_caverns function to actually use it:

fn main() {
pub fn build_caverns(ecs: &mut World) -> Layer {
    let mut layer = Layer::new(std::usize::MAX, ecs); // Gets a default layer
    // We're using Cellular Automata here, straight out of Hands-On Rust.
    random_noise_map(&mut layer);
    for _ in 0..15 {
        iteration(&mut layer);
    edge_filler(&mut layer);


This is pretty much direct CA: it creates a random map, iterates the CA algorithm over it 15 times, and then fills in the edges. You have a passable cavern:

Adding a Staircase and Fixing some Bugs

The caverns need an exit - an upwards staircase. Otherwise, poor SecBot will venture in to the caverns and never return. After the call to edge_filler in build_caverns, add the following:

fn main() {
    edge_filler(&mut layer); // Start here

    let desired_start = Point::new(2, HEIGHT/2);
    let mut possible_starts : Vec<(usize, f32)> = layer
        .filter(|(_, t)| t.tile_type == TileType::Floor)
        .map(|(idx, _)| (idx, DistanceAlg::Pythagoras.distance2d(desired_start, layer.index_to_point2d(idx))))
    possible_starts.sort_by(|a,b| a.1.partial_cmp(&b.1).unwrap());
    layer.starting_point = layer.index_to_point2d(possible_starts[0].0);
    layer.colonist_exit = layer.starting_point;
    layer.tiles[possible_starts[0].0] = Tile::stairs_up();
    ... // End here

This works by finding the closest tile to the center that doesn't contain a wall, and inserts a staircase there.

Fixing Up Stairs on Other Levels

I made a mistake in my staircase code in previous iterations, so now's a good time to fix it. In src/map/layerbuilder/ find layer.colonist_exit = down_pt and change it to read layer.colonist_exit = up_pt. It makes more sense for the colonists to exit via the UP stairs that leads towards the escape capsule.

The same error appears in src/map/layerbuilder/ Once again, find layer.colonist_exit = down_pt and change it to read layer.colonist_exit = up_pt.

Finally, open src/map/ and fix the stairs_up function:

fn main() {
pub fn stairs_up() -> Self {
    Self {
        glyph: to_cp437('<'),
        color: ColorPair::new(YELLOW, BLACK),
        blocked: false,
        opaque: false,
        tile_type: TileType::StairsUp,

Run the game now, and the caverns now feature an exit:


You can find the source code for mining_map4 here.

Next, we're going to start work on making staircases functional.