One Night in the City

About this tutorial

This tutorial is free and open source, and all code uses the MIT license - so you are free to do with it as you like. My hope is that you will enjoy the tutorial, and make great games!

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Hands-On Rust

The next level of the game is a dark elven city. The design document is a bit sparse on details, but here's what we know:

  • It eventually leads to a portal to the Abyss.
  • Dark elves are infighty, back-stabbing maniacs and should behave as such.
  • Dark elven cities are surprisingly city-like, just deep underground.
  • Lighting will be important.

Generating a basic city

The level_builder function in map_builder/ controls which map algorithm is called for a given level. Add a placeholder entry for a new map type:

fn main() {
pub fn level_builder(new_depth: i32, width: i32, height: i32) -> BuilderChain {
    rltk::console::log(format!("Depth: {}", new_depth));
    match new_depth {
        1 => town_builder(new_depth, width, height),
        2 => forest_builder(new_depth, width, height),
        3 => limestone_cavern_builder(new_depth, width, height),
        4 => limestone_deep_cavern_builder(new_depth, width, height),
        5 => limestone_transition_builder(new_depth, width, height),
        6 => dwarf_fort_builder(new_depth, width, height),
        7 => mushroom_entrance(new_depth, width, height),
        8 => mushroom_builder(new_depth, width, height),
        9 => mushroom_exit(new_depth, width, height),
        10 => dark_elf_city(new_depth, width, height),
        _ => random_builder(new_depth, width, height)

At the top of the same file, add imports for a new builder module:

fn main() {
mod dark_elves;
use dark_elves::*;

And create the new map_builders/ file with a placeholder builder in it:

fn main() {
use super::{BuilderChain, XStart, YStart, AreaStartingPosition, 
    CullUnreachable, VoronoiSpawning,
    AreaEndingPosition, XEnd, YEnd, BspInteriorBuilder };

pub fn dark_elf_city(new_depth: i32, width: i32, height: i32) -> BuilderChain {
    println!("Dark elf builder");
    let mut chain = BuilderChain::new(new_depth, width, height, "Dark Elven City");
    chain.with(AreaStartingPosition::new(XStart::CENTER, YStart::CENTER));
    chain.with(AreaStartingPosition::new(XStart::RIGHT, YStart::CENTER));
    chain.with(AreaEndingPosition::new(XEnd::LEFT, YEnd::CENTER));

That makes a not-at-all city like map (just a bsp interiors map) - but it's a good start. I chose this as the base builder because it doesn't waste any space. I like to imagine that the city is a big warren of interconnected rooms, with the poorer-elf housing in the dangerous spot (at the top). So we'll populate this level with relatively "normal" dark elves, and their slaves.

Adding some dark elves

If we just wanted to put dark elves everywhere, it would be as simple as adding one line to spawns.json in the spawn_table section:

{ "name" : "Dark Elf", "weight": 10, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 }

That's boring, so let's not do that. Our dark elves are split between Clan Arbat, Clan Barbo, and Clan Cirro (A, B, C, get it?). Thanks to the Abyssal influence of the Amulet of YALA, they are wrought with terrible infighting and war! We'll worry about differentiating the clans in a moment, for now lets make some entries to provide three groups of dark elves who hate one another.

In the factions section of spawns.json, create three new factions:

{ "name" : "DarkElfA", "responses" : { "Default" : "attack", "DarkElfA" : "ignore", "DarkElfB" : "attack", "DarkElfC" : "attack" } },
{ "name" : "DarkElfB", "responses" : { "Default" : "attack", "DarkElfB" : "ignore", "DarkElfA" : "attack", "DarkElfC" : "attack" } },
{ "name" : "DarkElfC", "responses" : { "Default" : "attack", "DarkElfC" : "ignore", "DarkElfA" : "attack", "DarkElfB" : "attack" } }

Notice how they ignore their own clan, and attack the others. That's the key to making a warzone! Our factions system already supports warring groups - we've just not used it extensively. Now find the mobs section, and duplicate the "Dark Elf" three times - once for each faction:

    "name" : "Arbat Dark Elf",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "e",
        "fg" : "#FF0000",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "random_waypoint",
    "attributes" : {},
    "equipped" : [ "Hand Crossbow", "Scimitar", "Buckler", "Drow Chain", "Drow Leggings", "Drow Boots" ],
    "faction" : "DarkElfA",
    "gold" : "3d6",
    "level" : 6

    "name" : "Barbo Dark Elf",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "e",
        "fg" : "#FF0000",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "random_waypoint",
    "attributes" : {},
    "equipped" : [ "Hand Crossbow", "Scimitar", "Buckler", "Drow Chain", "Drow Leggings", "Drow Boots" ],
    "faction" : "DarkElfB",
    "gold" : "3d6",
    "level" : 6

    "name" : "Cirro Dark Elf",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "e",
        "fg" : "#FF0000",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "random_waypoint",
    "attributes" : {},
    "equipped" : [ "Hand Crossbow", "Scimitar", "Buckler", "Drow Chain", "Drow Leggings", "Drow Boots" ],
    "faction" : "DarkElfC",
    "gold" : "3d6",
    "level" : 6

In the spawn table, we want them to appear on level 10:

{ "name" : "Arbat Dark Elf", "weight": 10, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },
{ "name" : "Barbo Dark Elf", "weight": 10, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },
{ "name" : "Cirro Dark Elf", "weight": 10, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 }

If you cargo run now, and cheat your way down to depth 10 (I recommend god mode, and teleport) - you find yourself in the midst of a warzone between three clans. There's combat everywhere, and they only pause killing one another long enough to murder the player. There's a lovely amount of mayhem - the gods of Chaos would be proud.

Clan Differentiation

It's kinda boring having all of the clans be identical. The basic "Dark Elf" can stay the same, but lets add a bit of flavor to make the clans feel differentiated.

Clan Arbat

We'll start by making Arbat a different color - a lighter red. Replace the "fg" attribute of their Dark Elves with #FFAAAA - a pinkish color. We'll take away their crossbows, also. They are a melee-oriented clan. Replace Scimitar with Scimitar +1. The modified Arbat Dark Elf looks like this:

    "name" : "Arbat Dark Elf",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "e",
        "fg" : "#FFAAAA",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "random_waypoint",
    "attributes" : {},
    "equipped" : [ "Scimitar +1", "Buckler", "Drow Chain", "Drow Leggings", "Drow Boots" ],
    "faction" : "DarkElfA",
    "gold" : "3d6",
    "level" : 6

Let's also give them leaders - tougher fighters:

    "name" : "Arbat Dark Elf Leader",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "E",
        "fg" : "#FFAAAA",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "random_waypoint",
    "attributes" : {},
    "equipped" : [ "Scimitar +2", "Buckler +1", "Drow Chain", "Drow Leggings", "Drow Boots" ],
    "faction" : "DarkElfA",
    "gold" : "3d6",
    "level" : 7

They also deserve some orc slaves:

    "name" : "Arbat Orc Slave",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "o",
        "fg" : "#FFAAAA",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "static",
    "attributes" : {},
    "faction" : "DarkElfA",
    "gold" : "1d8"

Finally, put these into the spawn table:

{ "name" : "Arbat Dark Elf", "weight": 10, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },
{ "name" : "Arbat Dark Elf Leader", "weight": 7, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },
{ "name" : "Arbat Orc Slave", "weight": 14, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },

They are probably going to regret their melee focus, but we aren't too concerned for their health!

Clan Barbo

Conversely, we'll make Barbo quite missile oriented - and a little more scarce, because that's super-dangerous. We'll also give them a dagger instead of a scimitar, and change their color to orange:

    "name" : "Barbo Dark Elf",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "e",
        "fg" : "#FF9900",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "random_waypoint",
    "attributes" : {},
    "equipped" : [ "Hand Crossbow +1", "Dagger", "Buckler", "Drow Chain", "Drow Leggings", "Drow Boots" ],
    "faction" : "DarkElfB",
    "gold" : "3d6",
    "level" : 6

They also get some slaves - this time goblins, with a missile weapon:

    "name" : "Barbo Goblin Archer",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "g",
        "fg" : "#FF9900",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "static",
    "attributes" : {},
    "faction" : "Cave Goblins",
    "gold" : "1d6",
    "equipped" : [ "Shortbow", "Leather Armor", "Leather Boots" ]

Finally, update the spawns table to include them:

{ "name" : "Barbo Dark Elf", "weight": 9, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },
{ "name" : "Barbo Goblin Archer", "weight": 13, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },

Clan Cirro

We're going to make Cirro powerful and rare. The basic Cirro Dark Elf looks like this:

    "name" : "Cirro Dark Elf",
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "e",
        "fg" : "#FF00FF",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 8,
    "movement" : "random_waypoint",
    "attributes" : {},
    "equipped" : [ "Hand Crossbow", "Scimitar", "Buckler", "Drow Chain", "Drow Leggings", "Drow Boots" ],
    "faction" : "DarkElfC",
    "gold" : "3d6",
    "level" : 7

We'll also give them leaders - priestesses who can web you:

        "name" : "Cirro Dark Priestess",
        "renderable": {
            "glyph" : "E",
            "fg" : "#FF00FF",
            "bg" : "#000000",
            "order" : 1
        "blocks_tile" : true,
        "vision_range" : 8,
        "movement" : "random_waypoint",
        "attributes" : {},
        "equipped" : [ "Hand Crossbow", "Scimitar", "Buckler", "Drow Chain", "Drow Leggings", "Drow Boots" ],
        "faction" : "DarkElfC",
        "gold" : "3d6",
        "level" : 8,
        "abilities" : [
            { "spell" : "Web", "chance" : 0.2, "range" : 6.0, "min_range" : 3.0 }

Instead of slaves, we'll give them spiders:

    "name" : "Cirro Spider",
    "level" : 3,
    "attributes" : {},
    "renderable": {
        "glyph" : "s",
        "fg" : "#FF00FF",
        "bg" : "#000000",
        "order" : 1
    "blocks_tile" : true,
    "vision_range" : 6,
    "movement" : "static",
    "natural" : {
        "armor_class" : 12,
        "attacks" : [
            { "name" : "bite", "hit_bonus" : 1, "damage" : "1d12" }
    "abilities" : [
        { "spell" : "Web", "chance" : 0.2, "range" : 6.0, "min_range" : 3.0 }
    "faction" : "DarkElfC"

This also requires a spawn table update:

{ "name" : "Cirro Dark Elf", "weight": 7, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },
{ "name" : "Cirro Dark Priestess", "weight": 6, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 },
{ "name" : "Cirro Spider", "weight": 10, "min_depth": 10, "max_depth": 11 }

If you cargo run the project now, you'll find that the dark elves are murdering one another - and there's a good level of variety present.


This has been a short chapter: because most of the pre-requisites were already written. That's a good sign for the engine as a whole: we can now build a very different style of level without much in the way of new code. In the next chapter, we'll advance further into the dark elven city - trying to make more of an open city level. The mayhem will continue!

The source code for this chapter may be found here

Run this chapter's example with web assembly, in your browser (WebGL2 required)

Copyright (C) 2019, Herbert Wolverson.