Using Individual Bracket-Lib Components

bracket-lib is a collection of libraries. You can depend upon them individually, if you only want part of the bracket-lib functionality. The parts are:

  • bracket-algorithm-traits defines some traits that are used in other parts of the program.
  • bracket-color defines how the library handles color, and includes functions for grayscale, RGB/RGBA/HSV conversion, a lot of named colors, and general color management support.
  • bracket-geometry provides points, lines, rectangles and circle support.
  • bracket-noise provides Perlin, Simplex, White and other noise functions useful for randomly generating things.
  • bracket-pathfinding provides an A-Star and a Dijkstra mapping solution.
  • bracket-random provides an easy-to-use wrapper to a random number generator.
  • bracket-terminal provides console rendering and support.

When you link directly to a dependency, the namespace is on longer bracket_lib::prelude. Instead, it will be the crate's name, e.g. bracket_random::prelude.

This option is partly provided to help keep development efforts separated, and partly because sometimes you just want a small portion of what the library has to offer---and there's no point in wasting space (and mostly compile time) on the bits you don't need.