Let's Make a Game!

About this tutorial

This tutorial is free and open source, and all code uses the MIT license - so you are free to do with it as you like. My hope is that you will enjoy the tutorial, and make great games!

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So far, the tutorial has followed three sections:

  1. Make a skeletal game, showing how to make a very minimalistic roguelike.
  2. Add some essential genre features to the game, making it more fun to play.
  3. Building lots of maps, a very important part of making fun roguelikes.

Now we're going to start a series of articles that actually makes a cohesive game from our framework. It won't be huge, and it's unlikely to challenge for "best Roguelike ever!" status - but it will explore the trials and tribulations that go with turning a tech demo into a cohesive game.

The Berlin Interpretation

This game will stick closely to the genre, with very little ground-breaking innovation. So we'll have a fantasy setting, dungeon diving, and limited progression. If you're familiar with the Berlin Interpretation (an attempt at codifying what counts as a roguelike in a world of games using the name!), we'll try to stick closely to the important aspects:

High-value targets

  • Random Environment Generation is essential, and we've already covered a lot of interesting ways to do it!
  • Permadeath defines the genre, so we'll go with it. We'll probably sneak in game saving/loading, and look at how to handle non-permadeath if that's what you want - but we'll stick to the principle, and its implication that you should be able to beat a roguelike without dying.
  • Turn-based - we'll definitely stick to a turn-based setup, but will introduce varying speeds and initiative.
  • Grid-based - we'll definitely stick to a grid-based system.
  • Non-modal - we'll probably break this one, by having systems that take you out of the regular "all on one screen" play system.
  • Complexity - we'll strive for complexity, but try to keep the game playable without being a Master's thesis topic!
  • Resource management - we've already got some of that with the hunger clock and consumable items, but we'll definitely want to retain this as a defining trait.
  • Hack'n'slash - definitely!
  • Exploration and discovery - absolutely!

Low-value targets

  • Single player character - we're unlikely to introduce groups in this section, but we might introduce friendly NPCs.
  • Monsters are similar to players - the ECS helps with this, since we're simulating the player in the same way as NPCs. We'll stick to the basic principle.
  • Tactical challenge - always something to strive for; what good is a game without challenge?
  • ASCII Display - we'll be sticking with this, but may find time to introduce graphical tiles later.
  • Dungeons - of course! They don't have to be rooms and corridors, but we've worked hard to have good rooms and corridors!
  • Numbers - this one is a little more controversial; not everyone wants to see a giant wall of math every time they punch a goblin. We'll try for some balance - so there are plenty of numbers, mostly visible, but they aren't essential to playing the game.

So it seems pretty likely that with this constraints we will be making a real roguelike - one that checks almost all of the boxes!


We've already decided on a fantasy-faux-medieval setting, but that doesn't mean it has to be just like D&D or Tolkien! We'll try and introduce some fun and unique elements in our setting.


In the next chapter, we'll work on outlining our overall objective in a design document. This will necessarily include some narrative, although roguelikes aren't really known for deep stories!


Copyright (C) 2019, Herbert Wolverson.